MCS is an abbreviation of Mongolian Consulting Service. The company was founded in 1993 as an energy-sector consultancy. At the time of its establishment, the founders had limited trading capital and decided to focus on intellectual services.
The company logo and flag reflect the company’s values, history and spirit of dedication.

The logo expresses our mission statement to bring internationally competitive standards to Mongolia. It has a dual meaning: the four cardinal directions symbolize bringing the best of the world from four directions (N.E.W.S) and the shape overall represents stabile growth.

The company flag consists of three equal vertical bands. The maroon band represents energy and prestige, the white band represents purity and honesty and the blue band symbolizes the eternal blue sky. The company logo is positioned in the middle of the central white band. These are the corporate colors of MCS Group’s first companies. 

Since its establishment 27 years ago MCS Group is the parent company to a large group of private sector companies. Today, the group has 20 subsidiaries operating across five business sectors, which include engineering and infrastructure, mining, real estate, information and communications technology, and FMCG production and retail. This website contains information on companies operating in key business sectors and does not include information on companies that provide shared services or ventures that are currently in the initial research and planning stages.
We are a top taxpayer. In 2023, we paid 966 billion MNT in taxes. Over the last 5 years, taxes and fees paid to the state budget have exceeded 3.1 trillion MNT.
MCS Group employs 14,000 full time staff and this number is rising on an annual basis. The group employs 1,150 engineers to work on energy, mining, communications, construction and food production projects. Our research indicates that we employ more engineers than any other company in Mongolia.
We strive to constantly improve and develop our corporate governance to the level of publicly-listed companies on international stock exchanges. We develop strategies to improve and increase employee participation in the decision-making process, improve corporate transparency, cultivate an inclusive corporate culture and aid our employees in developing new skills.
MCS Group emphasizes the importance of conducting business honestly and makes a strong stand against corruption. The company was one of the first Mongolian businesses to join the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI). Corporate culture surveys are conducted on an annual basis to identify possible conflicts of interest, take preventative measures against corruption and develop anti-corruption policies.
During our early years we participated in and won Government tenders. As the company grew, our need to obtain tenders declined. The Government procurement website, tender.gov.mn, shows that MCS won only four tenders in the last nine years. Today, MCS is a company that tends to announce tenders, rather than compete for them. Over the last 3 years, we have spent 680 billion MNT on services provided by 8,000 small and medium sized enterprises.
Sky Resort LLC’s contract is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the law and land fees have been paid on time. The taxes and fees paid by Sky Resort is 9 billion MNT, of which more than 300 million MNT was paid for land.
The Mongolian Government was hosting the ASEM Summit and asked Sky Resort to build the ASEM Villa complex. When we got a loan from the TDB, we pledged our assets and got a commercial loan just like any other organisation who has an agreement with the TDB.
MCS Group was asked to deliver the Millennium Challenge Fund’s Clean Air project and was selected for its proven track record in project management. This project was an opportunity for us to realise our commitment to our society to reduce the city’s air pollution. We were not seeking to profit from it. We secured a loan from Golomt Bank by pledging our assets and invested more than 20 billion MNT upfront on the . We bought 75,000 European-standard stoves, which we sold by knocking on doors. The project was judged the most successful of the stove projects and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 50-80%, as judged by the National Committee on Reduction of Air Pollution, Ulaanbaatar city government, and customers. The Millennium Challenge Fund paid us after evaluating our work.

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The energy-efficient stove project set out to reduce air pollution in Ulaanbaatar and was very much a part of our social responsibility efforts. We did not seek to profit from this project. The Millennium Challenge Fund’s Clean Air project sought out MCS Group because we have a skilled workforce and experience in project and budgetary management.
The purchase and distribution of 75,000 energy-efficient stoves was financed by a loan from Golomt Bank and we used our own assets as collateral. The company paid MNT20 billion upfront to purchase, distribute and install the European-standard stoves. The Millennium Challenge Fund reimbursed the company upon completion of the project. The project compares favorably with previous anti-pollution efforts and has reduced the amount of dust and particulate matter by 50-80%. It has received positive feedback from international and professional organizations, the National Anti-Pollution Committee, city government and end-users.

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MCS shares are fully owned by Mongolians. No foreign entities or individuals own shares in the company. L. Enkh-Amgalan, a Member of Parliament, owns shares in MCS. Before being elected to the Parliament of Mongolia, L. Enkh-Amgalan served as the Senior Vice President of MCS Group.

It is our company policy to offer company shares to long-standing employees with a successful track record. Currently 40 people own ordinary shares and limited-rights shares in MCS.

MCS Group has signed an agreement with press outlets which contains a clause requesting that they provide evidence for any assertions they make which are of an accusatory and/or defamatory nature. This is in line with the journalistic code of ethics which calls for balance and fairness in reporting. MCS Group does not attempt to influence editorial policies and has not signed unethical agreements to ‘shut out’ the press.
The 2006 Minerals Law of Mongolia permits the state to have 51% ownership of a deposit “where State funded exploration was used to determine the proven reserves”. In March 2008, the Mongolian Government re-nationalized the Tavan Tolgoi deposit and started formal negotiations with Energy Resources LLC. As a result of the negotiations, 96% of the Tavan Tolgoi deposit was re-nationalized. When re-nationalizing privately-held properties, the government is required by law to compensate the owners. Energy Resources LLC kept 4% of Tavan Tolgoi’s total mining area and 6% of the Ukhaa Khudag deposit as compensation.

Each stage of the process was audited and monitored by the relevant legal authorities to ensure full compliance with laws and regulations. The Mongolian National Audit Office audited the license and agreement process and released an official statement confirming that it was done correctly. The official statement and report are available to the public. 

The Wedding Palace and the land owned by the Wedding Palace belongs to the Mongolian Government.

1. The area owned by the Wedding Palace is one hectare (not three).  

2. MCS Properties Holding LLC entered into an agreement to lease portions of the land, to be used for construction purposes, with the Property Relations Department of Ulaanbaatar City Government and the Wedding Palace.  As per the agreement, the lease holder can use the leased land for the temporary storage of construction materials and temporary changing rooms for workers. As the Wedding Palace is state property, it does not have a legal right to sell land belonging to the Wedding Palace.

MCS Properties Holding LLC is legally leasing the land for a certain period of time. Upon completion of the agreement, the lease holder is required to rehabilitate the area according to the city planning requirements and return the leased land to the Wedding Palace.

Excerpts from an interview conducted with J.Tsetsegdari, manager of the Wedding Palace, published in issue No.266, 2013 of Zuunii Medee newspaper.

For the 800th anniversary of the Great Mongol Empire, the government issued a decree to build a five star hotel and conference center, and a Chinggis Khaan complex, in a four hectare area of the Children’s Amusement Park.  The 800th anniversary committee accepted the MCS Group’s proposal to construct a Shangri-La hotel and conference center.

The Children’s Amusement Park requested that the hotel project be moved to a corner location so as not to obstruct the main northern entrance to the park. An investment agreement was reached with Montano LLC, who had already laid the foundations for the hotel in the north-eastern corner of the park. Under this agreement, one hectare of land was transferred to the Shangri-La construction project. A request to expand the project land area to the initial proposal size was put to the city government and an additional two hectares of land in the north-eastern corner of the park was allocated.

The hotel complex will also contain a shopping mall, a multi-screen cinema, a swimming pool and a sports center. Its operations and activities will be closely linked to the park’s operations.

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