Management team

Chairman of the Board of Directors, MCS Group
1998-2000MBA, Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, Netherlands
1991-1992Master, Academy of Management, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
1984-1989Electrical Engineer, Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Kiev, USSR
Since 2001Chairman of the Board of Directors, MCS Group
Since 2010Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mongolian Mining Corporation
1993-2001Chief Executive, MCS International LLC
1989-1992Automation engineer, Energy Department of Mongolia

Odjargal J.
Chairman of the Board of Directors, MCS Group

President, MCS Group
1992-1993Master in Diplomacy, Oxford University, UK
1983-1988Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow, USSR
Since 1999President, MCS Group
1998-1999Advisor to Prime Minister of Mongolia
1995-1999First Secretary of Mongolian Embassy in US
1993-1995Professional, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of EU and US
1990-1992Professional, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Law and Treaty
1989-1990Attaché, Permanent Representation to UN, New York
1988-1989Professional, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Law and Treaty

Od J.
President, MCS Group

CEO, MCS Holding LLC
1997-1998MBA, Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, Netherlands
1993-1995Mongolian University of Science and Technology
1988-1993Engineer Economist, Management Academy of Moscow, Russian Federation
Since 2015CEO, MCS Holding LLC
2014-2015CEO, MCS Coca-Cola LLC
2006-2014Vice-President, MCS Group
2004-2005Distribution Manager, Procter & Gamble Kazakhstan
2001-2004Country Manager, Procter & Gamble Eastern Europe Inc
1999-2000Sales Manager, Procter & Gamble Eastern Europe Inc
1999Sales Manager, Procter & Gamble Kazakhstan
1997National Project Coordinator, Decentralization and Strengthening Local Authority, Cabinet Secretariat of Government of Mongolia
1993-1997Lecturer, Mongolian University of Science and Technology

Gantumur L.
CEO, MCS Holding LLC

CEO, MCS Investment LLC
2010-2012Master of Financial Management, Graduate School of Management of Devry
2002-2006Bachelor of Financial Management, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Since 2020CEO, MCS Investment LLC and MCS Ventures LLC
2013-2020Vice President, Unitel LLC
2012-2013Deputy Director, Goyo LLC
2009-2010Financial Manager, Mongolian Mining Corporation
2007-2009Financial Manager, MCS Holding LLC
2005-2007Financial Analyst, Interpress LLC and Anun LLC

Myagmarjav G.
CEO, MCS Investment LLC

Vice President, MCS Group
1998-2000MBA, Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, Netherlands
1989-1992Biotechnologist, Medical School, Bristol University, UK
1982-1987Geneticist, University of Moscow, USSR
Since 2010Vice President, MCS Group
2009-2010Vice President, Energy Resources LLC
2003-2009Vice President, MCS Group and CEO, MCS Holding LLC
2001-2003Deputy Director, MCS Holding LLC
1993-2001Deputy Director, MCS International LLC
1987-1992Scientist, Association of science and production Monenzim, Mongolia

Enkhtsetseg D.
Vice President, MCS Group

Vice President, MCS Group
2000-2001Master, University of Colorado, US
1997-1998Master in Economy, University of Birmingham, UK
1990-1994Finance management, Institute of Finance and Economics
Since 2010Vice President, MCS Group
2008-2010CFO, MCS Holding LLC
2003-2008Economist, MCS Holding LLC
2002-2003Internal consultant, Janet Wood Hall Taxation & Consultation LLC
1998-2000Project Loan Officer, Trade and Development Bank, Mongolia
1994-1997Accountant, Senior Accountant, Trade and Development Bank, Mongolia

Enkhtuvshin G.
Vice President, MCS Group

Executive Vice President, MCS Investment LLC
1998-2000MBA, University of Texas, USA
1993-1997Electronic engineering, National University of Mongolia
Since 2022Executive Vice President, MCS Investment LLC
2017-2022Vice President, MCS Group
2014-2017CEO, Anungoo LLC
2012-2014Vice President, MCS Group
2008-2012CEO, Unitel LLC
2006-2007Deputy Director, Unitel LLC
1997-2003Business Manager, MCS Electronics LLC
1997Engineer, MCS International LLC

Biliguun B.
Executive Vice President, MCS Investment LLC

Executive Vice President, MCS Investment LLC
1996-2002Master in Economics, University of Tokyo, Japan
Since 2022Executive Vice President, MCS Investment LLC
2013-2022Investment Director, MCS Holding LLC
2010-2013Vice President, Goldman Sachs, Japan
2002-2010Analyst, Vice President, Merrill Lynch, Japan

Tsengel S.
Executive Vice President, MCS Investment LLC
Directors of the Subsidiaries

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Unitel Group
1994-1995MS in IT, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok City, Thailand
1981-1986IT engineer, Leningrad Hydro Meteorological Institute, USSR
Since 2017Chairman of the Board of Directors, Unitel Group
2012-2017CEO, Unitel LLC
2011-2012ICT Business Director, MCS Group
2006-2010General Director, Skytel LLC
2004-2006Head of the Department, Department of Information and Communication
1996-2000General Director, Interactive LLC
1990-1994Lecturer, Head of the Department, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
1986-1990Programmer, Head of the Department, Institute of water exploration, project and science

Ganbold R.
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Unitel Group

CEO, Unitel LLC
1999-2003Bachelor of Business Administration and Applied Mathematics, Khan-Uul Institute
Since 2022CEO, Unitel LLC
2012-2022Chief Business Development and Planning Officer, Unitel LLC
2010-2012CFO, Unitel LLC
2007-2010CFO, MCS Electronics LLC
2003-2007Financial Analyst, MCS Electronics LLC

Jamiyansharav D.
CEO, Unitel LLC

CEO, MCS International LLC
2007-2009MBA, La Trobe University, Melbourne Victoria Australia
1990-1995BA, Mongolian National University of Science and Technology
Since 2014CEO, MCS International LLC
2010-2014COO, Energy Resources LLC
2006-2010Deputy Director, MCS International LLC
2004-2006Director, Business Development Division, MCS International LLC
1997-2004Engineer, MCS International LLC

Davaakhuu Ch.
CEO, MCS International LLC

CEO, Erchim Suljee LLC
2016-2017Master of International Commerce, Charles Sturt University, Sydney, Australia
2009-2011MBA, National Academy of Governance
2000-2004Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Since 2022CEO, Erchim Suljee LLC
2017-2022Director of Operations & Chief Engineer, Erchim Suljee LLC
2017Director of Business Development, Erchim Suljee LLC
2009-2014Chief Engineer, Erchim Suljee LLC
2007-2009Head of Metering and Measuring Department, Erchim Suljee LLC
2004-2007Metering and Measuring Engineer, Erchim Suljee LLC

Nyamdavaa N.
CEO, Erchim Suljee LLC

CEO, MCS Property LLC
2005-2009MBA, Mongolian National University and La Trobe University, Melbourne Victoria Australia
1996-2000BA, Mongolian National University of Science and Technology
Since 2010CEO, MCS Property LLC
2011-2014Vice President, MCS Properties Holding LLC
2006-2010Business Director, MCS Property LLC
2004-2006Finance Deputy Director, MCS International LLC
2000-2004Economist, MCS Holding LLC

Davaa-Ochir B.
CEO, MCS Property LLC

CEO, MCS Estates LLC
1999-2000MBA, Academy of Management
1984-1991Doctor, Medical University
Since 2011CEO, MCS Estates LLC
2011-2014Vice President, MCS Properties Holding LLC
2005-2010CEO, Division-2, MCS Group
1999-2005CFO, CEO, Anungoo LLC
1996-1999Manager, Interpress LLC

Urantsetseg J.
CEO, MCS Estates LLC

CEO, MCS Coca-Cola LLC
1998-2000MBA, University of Bridgeport, USA
1992-1995Economist, National University of Mongolia
Since 2015CEO, MCS Coca-Cola LLC
2014-2015Vice President, MCS Group
2004-2014CEO, MCS Coca-Cola LLC
2002-2004CEO, Zuunkharaa Trade LLC
2000-2002Sales Strategy and Planning Analyst, Guinness UDV North America
1996-1997Senior professional, State Property Committee
1995-1998Lecturer, National University of Mongolia,

Myagmarjav L.
CEO, MCS Coca-Cola LLC

CEO, Anungoo LLC
1998-2003Mathematician and Business Administration, Khan-Uul university of Mongolia
Since 2018CEO, Anungoo LLC
2012-2018Finance and Forecast director, MCS Coca-Cola LLC
2010-2012Finance director, Grandkhaan Holding LLC
2004-2010Financial analyst, Procurement manager, Head of Financial department, Finance and Procurement director, Anungoo LLC
2002-2004Marketing manager, MSM LLC

Khandaa Ts.
CEO, Anungoo LLC

CEO, WellBee LLC
1999-2001MBA, Preston University, USA
1983-1989Doctor, Medical University
Since 2016CEO, WellBee LLC
2014-2016Vice President, MCS Group
2005-2014CEO, Anungoo LLC
1996-2005Department Director, MCS Holding LLC
1991-1996Professional, Ministry of Health
1989-1991Media officer, Mongol Em Impex LLC

Bolormaa D.
CEO, WellBee LLC

CEO, Total Distribution LLC
2002-2004MBA, Institute of Finance and Economics
1995-2001BA, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Since 2012CEO, Total Distribution LLC (former MCS Distribution LLC)
2011-2012Sales & Logistics Director, MCS Distribution LLC
2009-2011Sales Director, SBB Trade LLC
2004-2008Head of Sales, MCS Electronics LLC

Ochirbat B.
CEO, Total Distribution LLC

CEO, Uniservice Solution LLC
1982-1988Architecture, Technologist, Institute of Construction Engineering, Novosibirsk, USSR
Since 2011CEO, Uniservice Solution LLC
2006-2011CEO, Office Net LLC
2004-2006Director, Orchlon Sport Club
2003-2004Sales Manager, MCS Construction LLC
1992-2003Private business
1988-1992Technologist Engineer, Central construction architecture institute

Altantsetseg Ts.
CEO, Uniservice Solution LLC

CEO, Metagro LLC
1994-1999Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Since 2023CEO, Metagro LLC
2022-2023Chief of Staff, Metagro LLC
2018-2022Director of Communications and Sustainability Department, MCS Holding LLC
2015-2017CEO, Goyo LLC
2011-2015Director of Marketing Department, MCS Holding LLC
2007-2011Head of Marketing Department, Commercial Director, MCS APB LLC
2002-2006Director of Marketing Department, XacBank
2002Merchandiser, Elite Marketing, London
2000-2001Admin Officer, Raleigh International, a UK based youth development charity

Solongo B.
CEO, Metagro LLC

CEO, Top Motors LLC
1996-2000Bachelor of Management and Economics, National University of Mongolia
Since 2022CEO, Top Motors LLC
2015-2022Vice President, Business Development and Sales, DDish TV LLC
2000-2015Vice President, Marketing, Sales and Services, Skytel LLC

Purevdorj Ts.
CEO, Top Motors LLC
Directors of the companies invested by MCS Group

CEO, Mongolian Mining Corporation
1996-1999Doctor in Chemical Science, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak
1990-1996Chemist, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak
Since 2010CEO, Mongolian Mining Corporation
Since 2008CEO, Energy Resources LLC
2008COO, Energy Resources LLC
2006-2008Sales and Marketing Director, MCS-APB LLC
2004-2006Director, SBB-Ulaanbaatar LLC
2003-2004Quality Manager, MCS Coca Cola LLC
2000-2003Researcher, University of Cologne, Germany
1996-2000Assistant Professor, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak

Battsengel G.
CEO, Mongolian Mining Corporation

CEO, Sky Resort LLC
1985-1990Master in International Journalism, University of Leningrad, USSR
Since 2021CEO, Sky Resort LLC
2021Deputy Director, MCS Power LLC
2020-2021Project Director, MCS Holding LLC
2008-2020CEO, Sky Resort LLC
2007-2008Manager, Shangri-La-Ulaanbaatar LLC
2005-2007Business Development Director, MCS Property LLC
2004-2005Business Development Director, MCS Holding LLC
2001-2004CEO, MCS Coca Cola LLC
2000-2001Business Development Director, MCS Holding LLC
1998-2000General Director, MCS International LLC
1995-1998Deputy Director, MCS International LLC
1993-1995Translator, Ministry of Food and Agriculture
1990-1993Redactor, Mongolian National Television
1983-1985Actor, Theater of Opera and Ballet

Batsuuri A.
CEO, Sky Resort LLC

CEO, Intermed Hospital
2007-2009MBA, School of Economics, The National University of Mongolia
1997-2002BA, Khan-Uul university
Since 2013Finance Director and CEO, Intermed Medical Center LLC
2010-2012Financial Manager, MCS Management LLC and Head of FInancial Division, Sky Resort LLC
2009-2010Director of Card Center, State bank, Mongolia
2002-2009Supervisory accountant, System operator, Financial Analyst, Senior Economist and Director of Card Center, Zoos bank, Mongolia

Nyamtogtokh Ya.
CEO, Intermed Hospital

1995-1999Bachelor of Business Management & Economics, Institute of Finance and Economics
Since 2023CEO, DDish TV LLC
2018-2022Deputy Director & COO, NYHP LLC
2015-2017CEO, DDish TV LLC
2013-2015Senior Vice President, Unitel LLC
2012-2013CEO, Goyo Cashmere LLC
2006-2012Deputy Director, CMO, Unitel LLC
2003-2006CMO, Project Manager, Golomt bank
1999-2003CMO, Marketing specialist, Mobicom LLC

Bold G.