MCS Ventures is taking start-up ecosystem to the next level
For any start-up company to be a globally competitive company, well-established start-up ecosystem – a system to promote and encourage their growth, helping them scale in their various stages of development – is necessary.
MCS Ventures has successfully launched “MStars Academy” – IT developer training programme, and “MStars Hub” – start-up accelerator programme to establish start-up ecosystem in Mongolia.
“MStars Academy” – IT developer training programme
MStars Academy has commenced practice-based professional training programme on 11th of November. The programme is aimed to create globally competitive IT professionals within short period of time.
By joining the six-month “Full Stack Developer” programme, you can learn about fundamental technology concepts, comprehensive web development, as well as attend additional classes in business, personal, and professional English language skills for your further career growth.
“Successful graduates of the academy will be able to attend internship, and further attain full term employment at MCS Group, its subsidiaries, or at upcoming tech start-ups,” Ganbold.R, the Chairman of Board of Directors at Unitel Group, and the founder of the MStars Academy noted.
“MStars Hub”-Start-up accelerator programme
Of the 160 start-ups of 36 business sectors who attended the selection process, 11 start-ups have been selected on 6th of October, to have their start-up progress accelerated.
The start-ups chosen for the accelerator programme offer technology solutions that save consumers’ time by simplifying their day-to-day tasks.
These start-ups will have following opportunities during their 5 month programme:
- Attend masterclasses that helps them determine their business model accurately, and develop their expertise
- Provided with complimentary cosy office space
- Connect with investors and partner organisations
- Receive advice from best global and domestic mentors
- Secure a grant of 15-30 million tugriks.
Although the participants at MStars Academy and start-ups at MStars Hub are unrelated projects with differing sector and operation, they have opportunity to grow their acquaintances, build networks, and further secure future developers at their startup, while the developers can identify their future employers.
MCS Ventures – Promoting start-up ecosystem
Myagmarjav.G, CEO at MCS Ventures, remarked that, start-up companies participating in the accelerator programme of MStars Hub will be able to secure investment, while the successful graduates of MStars Academy were invited to work at technology companies of MCS Group, and venture backed companies of MCS Ventures.