8 subsidiaries of MCS Group receive the “Entrepreneur” award
At the annual ‘Entrepreneur-2022’ ceremony held by the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 8 subsidiaries of MCS Group were honoured with a total of 12 awards, recognising their significant contributions to businesses in Mongolia.
MCS Coca-Cola LLC and Energy Resources LLC were presented with the “Silver Mercury” trophy as the “Best Entity of 2022.” Additionally, MCS International LLC, MCS Coca-Cola LLC, MCS Ventures LLC, Total Distribution LLC, Ashid Capital NBFI LLC, and Shangri-La Ulaanbaatar Hotel LLC received the “Bronze Mercury” trophy for excelling in their respective sectors. Intermed Hospital was also awarded the “Special Award of the Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry.”
MCS Coca-Cola LLC initiated the construction of a new factory with an investment of 3.5 million USD, intending to export Vio Millenia mineral water to foreign markets. In 2022, the company also launched the “World Without Waste” campaign to raise public awareness about recycling, with the goal of recycling all PET bottles sold.
Energy Resources LLC, which has paid around 278 billion MNT in taxes as of November 2022, successfully commissioned the Container Terminal—a noteworthy public-private partnership project. This initiative is expected to boost foreign currency income by enhancing the export of Mongolian coals.
MCS International LLC, the oldest company in the MCS Group, commissioned the 5MW Solar Power Station and Battery Storage system in Zavkhan Province in November 2022, in collaboration with NGC Corporation and NGK Insulators. This project will be able to provide clean energy to the Central Grid.
MCS Ventures LLC, dedicated to fostering a start-up ecosystem in Mongolia, launched the Pinecone Academy—an IT institution preparing developers—and M Stars Hub, a start-up accelerator project supporting businesses in various stages of development.
Total Distribution LLC initiated the “Soum Project,” focusing on efficient delivery practices while ensuring food safety. The company collaborated with over 700 rural businesses, safely transporting 78 million ton/km of freight.
Ashid Capital NBFI LLC offers digital loans, business loans, automobile loans, and procurement loans. Additionally, the company provides a marketplace and credit scoring system, with customer service representatives ensuring the highest loan amounts at favourable interest rates.
Shangri-La Ulaanbaatar Hotel LLC ensures operational safety and competitive products and services through its domestic supplier chain. The company has created approximately 600 new job opportunities for college students and other employees with limited full-time employment prospects.
Intermed Hospital maintained its gold seal of quality in medical services for the third time in 2022, surpassing over 1200 standard indicators for international accreditation by JCI. The hospital initiated Mongolia’s first screening for various conditions, including the Omicron variant, Meningitis, Monkeypox, and others, while opening its Angiography ward.