2023 champions of 3×3 basketball at MCS Group

MCS Group hosted the third 3×3 basketball tournament last weekend in celebration of its 30th anniversary. The event featured 156 athletes from 22 men’s and 18 women’s teams.

The men’s team from M bank secured first place, followed by MCS International in second and Energy Resources in third. E-Bazaar Trade’s team clinched fourth place.

In the women’s section, Unitel Group, MCS Coca-Cola, MCS Property, and TechPack Group secured the first, second, third, and fourth places, respectively.

Overall, Unitel Group emerged as the champion for the third consecutive time. Furthermore, Darkhanbayar.B representing M bank and Tuvshinzaya.O representing Unitel LLC have emerged as the MVPs of the tournament.

MCS Group Publishes its Sustainability Report

Global climate change underscores the imperative for businesses, alongside countries and global organizations, to address current needs without compromising the well-being of future generations and the environment.

Aligned with Mongolia’s ‘Vision 2050’ and our long-term objective of achieving ‘Net-Zero’ status, MCS Group has integrated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our operations by adopting an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework.

At MCS Group, our key areas of focus within the ESG framework include sustainable resource management, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, workforce support, fostering diversity and inclusion, and promoting transparent governance to drive social development.

Furthermore, we have begun introducing a sustainable production and operations framework across MCS operations, aiming to enhance our environmental performance.

A key highlight of the report is the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions conducted at select MCS Group subsidiaries, aligning with Mongolia’s objective to reduce emissions by 22.7 by 2030.

Additionally, we acknowledge the significance of transparent, ethical, and responsible governance in achieving sustainable development goals. To this end, we have implemented the ESG framework in our consumer goods and telecommunications businesses.

Through these efforts, MCS Group remains committed to driving sustainable practices and contributing to positive social and environmental outcomes.

Read more on MCS Group – Sustainability Report 2022.

Landscaping of ‘The Palace of Setsen Khan Museum’ Under the ‘Uv Erdene’ Programme

The “Uv Erdene” cultural heritage program, spearheaded by MCS Group, is dedicated to preserving historical and cultural monuments that represent Mongolia’s national heritage and values. As part of this initiative, the outer areas of the Palace of Setsen Khan Museum underwent landscaping renovations.

In collaboration with the Mongolian Arts Council, renovations began on May 1st for the 8225m2 outer area of Setsen Khan Museum, located in Chinggis City of Khentii Aimak. The project included renovating 5200m2 of pavement and establishing green spaces covering 3000m2.

Renovations also encompassed the installation of lighting fixtures and ensuring the preservation and protection of cultural heritage areas.

Upon project completion, MCS Group allocated 2.5 billion MNT for 15 projects over the past 5 years under the Uv Erdene program.

Setsen Khan Palace, built in 1828, served as the summer residence of the Khans of Khalkha Setsen Khan Aimak. It stands as a rare cultural site rich in history, culture, and architecture in Mongolia.

The Palace, initially boasting over 30 monasteries and buildings, now consists of only five structures, including the shrine and kitchen buildings of the original complex. Designated as a protected site in 2008, it holds significant historical and cultural importance for Mongolia.2008.

Microsoft Corporation highlighted the effort of digital transformation at MCS Group

Microsoft Corporation, a leading software company worldwide, has featured MCS Group in their Customer Stories section, dedicated to sharing stories about their collaboration with world-class organizations.

The article highlights the ‘Citizen Developer’ program, implemented by MCS Group since 2020. This program is a continuous effort to accelerate digital and cloud transformation by improving the digital mindset, expertise, and abilities of employees, aiming to accelerate business process automation.

As part of the program, MCS Group organized internal training sessions. A total of 283 employees attended the ‘Power Apps’ training, while 263 attended the ‘Power BI’ training.

The article highlights the success of the training sessions, noting improvements in employee productivity and the creation of a pleasant work environment. The article highlights the success of the training sessions, noting improvements in employee productivity and the creation of a pleasant work environment.

? https://customers.microsoft.com/en-us/story/1654762398320639005-mcs-group-microsoft365-en-mongolia

MCS Group displays the largest national flag of Mongolia.

In alignment with the Naadam festival spirit, Mongolians have celebrated ‘State Flag Day’ on July 10th since 2009. In honor of the day, MCS Group has the tradition of displaying the national flag of Mongolia on the top of Central Tower. Currently, it holds the title of the largest national flag in Mongolia, measuring 30 x 15 meters.

Ceremoniously raising and commemorating our state flag is a profound expression of pride in our homeland, our people, our history, and our traditions. It symbolizes our independence and sovereignty.

2023 Champions of Basketball and Table Tennis of MCS Group

“The MCS Group basketball and table tennis championships took place last weekend at Orchlon School and the UG Arena complex. This year’s championship is special as it is organized in celebration of our 30th anniversary, with 512 athletes representing 28 companies competing.

In the men’s basketball competition, MCS Property LLC won the championship for the second time. Joint teams of M bank and Ashid Capital NBFI, and MCS International LLC secured the second and third place, respectively.

Meanwhile, in the women’s basketball competition, Unitel, MCS Property, and Anungoo won the first three places. The MVPs of the basketball competition were Altantsog.B from MCS Property and Solongo.Ts from Unitel Group.

MCS Property’s teams won the Championship Trophy for the first time in 13 years.

The table tennis championship featured men’s and women’s singles, as well as doubles events, with 80 athletes participating. In the women’s table tennis singles match, Saruul.N of Orchlon School, Ariunjargal.B of M bank, and Munkhjargal.G of Energy Resources won the gold, silver, and bronze medals, respectively. In the men’s table tennis singles, Bayarbaatar.G of Energy Resources, Bilegt.O of MCS International, and Barsbold.B of Uniservice Solution secured the first three places. In the doubles match, Ganchimeg.S and Bayarsaikhan.M of MCS Property won a gold medal, while Batsukh.B and Narantuya.D of Unitel Group won silver, and Choglanamjil.E and Bayarjargal.E of MCS International won bronze.”

MCS Group has been recognized as the leading group company in Mongolia, according to the TOP-100 awards.

“MCS Group has been recognized as the leading group company in Mongolia, securing the top position among group companies in the 22nd annual TOP-100 awards. A notable feature of this year’s awards was the inclusion of only private corporations.

Ten subsidiaries of MCS Group, including Energy Resources, Unitel, MCS Coca-Cola, and others, have received the award. The award recognizes these companies for their contributions in taxes paid, sales revenue, employee count, profits, assets, and other indicators.

Subsidiaries and affiliates of MCS Group have contributed approximately 2.5 trillion MNT to the Mongolian economy through taxes and fees over the past five years, with 722 billion MNT paid last year alone. Our investments have led to the sustainable creation of numerous new jobs, with policies in place to retain these positions even during economic turmoil and the pandemic.

We currently employ over 13,000 individuals and have indirectly created over 30,000 jobs. In 2022, we aimed to implement Sustainable Development Goals in our everyday operations as well as our corporate social responsibility projects. We contributed 32 billion MNT to projects focused on social contributions and environmentally friendly initiatives.

Our contributions to Mongolia’s ongoing economic development include spending 32 billion MNT a month on staff salaries and 128 billion MNT a month on purchasing goods and services from domestic businesses.”

MCS Group has launched the ‘Planting, Nurturing, and Protecting’ campaign.

The campaign kicked off on ‘National Tree Planting Day,’ with over 500 employees from 24 companies of MCS Group planting 3000 trees in a one-hectare area of Khurkhree am of Bogd Khan Mountain.

Aligned with the ‘Billion Tree’ initiative, the campaign contributes to Energy Resources LLC’s pledge to plant 40 million trees by 2030, which includes a comprehensive plan for forestation and tree care in the Gobi and Khangai regions of Mongolia, as well as the expansion of green areas in urban areas and the development of park areas. Since 2009, Energy Resources LLC has planted over 220 thousand trees, including the ‘Forest Belt’ project, which has planted over 100 thousand trees and shrubs, covering an area of 63 hectares in Tsogttsetsii soum.

Gantumur.L, CEO of MCS Holding LLC, has remarked that being friendly to society, nature, and the environment has been one of MCS Group’s core values. As of 2022, MCS Group has planted around 100 thousand trees. In the past year, as part of our Employer-supported volunteering (ESV) programme, our employees planted 8300 trees. The ‘Planting, Nurturing, and Protecting’ campaign aligns with our long-term goals and the purpose of the ‘Billion Trees’ initiative. The campaign plans to establish an arboricultural area covering 11 hectares of Khurkhree am of Bogdkhan mountain to ensure a sustainable supply of seedlings and planting stock.

MCS Group has been ensuring that our projects for the last 30 years are aligned with international standards on being friendly to society, nature, and the environment, with further plans to integrate sustainable development goals into our operations.

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MCS Group Supplier Portal launched

MCS Group is proud to announce the launch of its comprehensive procurement system. The system aims to enable transparent procurement processes and improve supplier registration and participation in procurements.

MCS Group has introduced an international standard comprehensive procurement system. Potential suppliers can register on the MCS Supplier Portal. Once registered, they can view all active procurements, apply for purchase offers, send inquiries, and monitor purchase progress, offering a centralized platform for all supplier-related activities.

The system provides the option to receive email notifications for new offers and submit all supporting documents online, ensuring easy access to all purchases and tenders.

Register at supplier.mcs.mn today to begin collaborating with us.

MCS Group organized an E-Sports Championship for employees.

“MCS Group have organized an E-Sports Championship for employees, successfully hosting for the third year on the 8th-9th of April, with 200 athletes from 47 teams competing in PUBG, Dota 2, and CS:GO competitions.

In the PUBG Mobile competition, teams from MCS Coca-Cola LLC, MCS International LLC, Sky Resort LLC, and Unitel LLC secured the first four places. Choijamts.N from MCS Coca-Cola LLC received the MVP award.

In the Dota 2 competition, teams from MCS Coca-Cola LLC, M bank, Pinecone, and MCS Property LLC took the lead. Otgonbaatar.N from MCS Coca-Cola LLC became the MVP of the match.

Finally, in the CS:GO tournament, Unitel LLC, M bank, Intelmind LLC, and UBCab LLC secured the top positions, with Unubold.B from Unitel LLC named the MVP of the CS:GO tournament.”

Registration for the MCS Internship, a paid internship program, has commenced.

MCS Group has announced the commencement of the MCS Internship program for the second year, accepting applications from university students for the opportunity to attend our paid internship program. The program aims to provide students with the opportunity to systematically establish their careers, accumulate real-world work experience, and foster personal development while delving into corporate culture.

MCS Group has previously granted scholarships to over 300 students. Since 2022, we have launched the internship program focused on preparing students for their professional careers by creating opportunities to train and develop real-world practical skills. Additionally, students attending personal development courses at MCS Academy and participating in mentorship meetings will expand their network. Students majoring in Business Administration and Information Technology at overseas universities can also attend the program remotely.

During last year’s internship program, 63 interns from 10 universities participated and received job offers to continue working at MCS Group, kickstarting their careers.

Students interested in participating can apply online for the program at careers.mcs.mn.


Registration deadline: 15th of March, 2023

Interview phase: From March to April, 2023

Programme duration: From April to July, 2023


For more information, please contact:

Email: hrmanager@mcs.mn

Phone: 7777 8833, 8078 8833

Flags of Leading Enterprises Hoisted

The ‘Entrepreneur’ awards, which recognize the top companies in Mongolia for their contributions to the social and economic development of the country, were held in December 2022.

At the ceremony organized by the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce, eight subsidiaries of MCS Group were honored with a total of 12 ‘Entrepreneur’ awards. MCS Coca-Cola LLC and Energy Resources LLC were honored as the ‘Top Company of the Year’, while Intermed Hospital received an award from the Confederation of Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Today, the top companies of 2022 raised their flags in front of the MNCCI building. The flags of MCS Coca-Cola LLC, Intermed Hospital, Energy Resources LLC, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Khan Bank, Nomin Holding LLC, Mobicom Corporation LLC, Suu JSC, Teso LLC, Petrovis Group LLC, and Green Group LLC were raised.”

MCS Group has introduced the “careers.mcs.mn”, a one-stop job information platform.

Individuals interested in working with MCS Group can now access the selection and assessment process on the careers.mcs.mn website.

By registering on the platform, applicants gain the opportunity to submit their resumes, participate in job interviews, take competency tests, engage in additional selection processes, and provide feedback on job offers. The platform also serves as a hub for obtaining information about MCS Group, job announcements, work environments, and benefits, among other relevant details.

Prospective job applicants are encouraged to register on the careers.mcs.mn website to take advantage of these opportunities.

8 subsidiaries of MCS Group receive the “Entrepreneur” award

At the annual ‘Entrepreneur-2022’ ceremony held by the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 8 subsidiaries of MCS Group were honoured with a total of 12 awards, recognising their significant contributions to businesses in Mongolia.

MCS Coca-Cola LLC and Energy Resources LLC were presented with the “Silver Mercury” trophy as the “Best Entity of 2022.” Additionally, MCS International LLC, MCS Coca-Cola LLC, MCS Ventures LLC, Total Distribution LLC, Ashid Capital NBFI LLC, and Shangri-La Ulaanbaatar Hotel LLC received the “Bronze Mercury” trophy for excelling in their respective sectors. Intermed Hospital was also awarded the “Special Award of the Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry.”

MCS Coca-Cola LLC initiated the construction of a new factory with an investment of 3.5 million USD, intending to export Vio Millenia mineral water to foreign markets. In 2022, the company also launched the “World Without Waste” campaign to raise public awareness about recycling, with the goal of recycling all PET bottles sold.

Energy Resources LLC, which has paid around 278 billion MNT in taxes as of November 2022, successfully commissioned the Container Terminal—a noteworthy public-private partnership project. This initiative is expected to boost foreign currency income by enhancing the export of Mongolian coals.

MCS International LLC, the oldest company in the MCS Group, commissioned the 5MW Solar Power Station and Battery Storage system in Zavkhan Province in November 2022, in collaboration with NGC Corporation and NGK Insulators. This project will be able to provide clean energy to the Central Grid.

MCS Ventures LLC, dedicated to fostering a start-up ecosystem in Mongolia, launched the Pinecone Academy—an IT institution preparing developers—and M Stars Hub, a start-up accelerator project supporting businesses in various stages of development.

Total Distribution LLC initiated the “Soum Project,” focusing on efficient delivery practices while ensuring food safety. The company collaborated with over 700 rural businesses, safely transporting 78 million ton/km of freight.

Ashid Capital NBFI LLC offers digital loans, business loans, automobile loans, and procurement loans. Additionally, the company provides a marketplace and credit scoring system, with customer service representatives ensuring the highest loan amounts at favourable interest rates.

Shangri-La Ulaanbaatar Hotel LLC ensures operational safety and competitive products and services through its domestic supplier chain. The company has created approximately 600 new job opportunities for college students and other employees with limited full-time employment prospects.

Intermed Hospital maintained its gold seal of quality in medical services for the third time in 2022, surpassing over 1200 standard indicators for international accreditation by JCI. The hospital initiated Mongolia’s first screening for various conditions, including the Omicron variant, Meningitis, Monkeypox, and others, while opening its Angiography ward.

MCS Coca-Cola and Total Distribution upgraded their fleet with Mitsubishi Fuso vehicles

MCS Coca-Cola and Total Distribution, subsidiaries of MCS Group, have recently upgraded their transportation and delivery fleet with Mitsubishi Fuso vehicles. The consumer goods businesses within MCS Group have been consistently modernizing their fleet since 2010, acquiring brand-new vehicles exclusively from authorized dealers.

In a strategic move to support our operations and accommodate business expansion, we have acquired 23 Mitsubishi Fuso trucks with a proven track record. The vehicles were procured through MSM Group, and the official key handover ceremony occurred yesterday. The ceremonial keys were handed over to the drivers of MCS Coca-Cola LLC and Total Distribution LLC.

MSM Group custom-purchased these vehicles from Japan, aligning them with Mongolia’s environmental requirements. Notably, Total Distribution LLC and MCS Coca-Cola LLC became the first companies in Mongolia to incorporate Mitsubishi Fuso vehicles into their operations in 2019.

Job Fair Hosted by MCS Group: 450 Open Positions Available

MCS Group is organizing an open job fair featuring 450 positions across 17 of its subsidiaries, successfully operating in various business sectors. The job fair will take place at the Dunjingarav branch of the Capital Government Service Centre from 08:00 to 17:00 on the 25th of November.

Prospective candidates with specialized and trade skills are invited to attend the job fair, where they can explore multiple vacancies in Ulaanbaatar and at the Oyu Tolgoi project.

? For more information, click here

2022 Champions of Basketball and Chess at MCS Group

MCS Group hosted its 2022 tournament of basketball and chess last weekend at the Orchlon school complex. A total of 330 athletes, representing 27 companies, attended the basketball tournament. The MCS Property secured the gold medal, Unitel Group claimed silver, and Anungoo won the bronze in the men’s basketball tournament. In the women’s tournament, Anungoo, Energy Resources, and Unitel Group secured the first, second, and third places respectively. Notably, athletes representing Anungoo clinched the Championship Trophy for the eighth time, based on the aggregate score. Tumenbayar.B from MCS Property LLC and Unurmaa.Sh from Anungoo emerged as the MVP of the tournament.

Simultaneously, the annual chess tournament, traditionally hosted by M-Armor LLC, was joined by 63 chess players from 21 companies. Chess players from MCS Property claimed the first place, with participants from Orchlon School and Unitel Group securing the second and third positions respectively. In the singles event, Otgonsuren.D of M-Armor, Tuvshintur.T of MCS Property, and Oyunbileg.B from Anungoo won the gold medals. During the chess tournament, a chess puzzle challenge was also organized, with Anand.A emerging victorious. Additionally, IM Munguntuul.B showcased her skills by playing with 10 other players simultaneously.

Unitel Group wins the Championship Trophy of the “MCS 3×3 Cup”

MCS Group hosted the second 3×3 basketball tournament last weekend, with 144 athletes from 23 companies, including 20 men’s and 16 women’s teams, competing for the championship during the 3-day tournament.

The men’s team from the Unitel Group won the first place, with Energy Resources placing second and Anungoo’s team placing third, while the teams from Unitel Group, Energy Resources, and Anungoo won gold, silver and bronze medals respectively. Accounting for the aggregate score, Unitel Group has emerged as the champion for the second time ever. Furthermore, Tulga. B, and Tuvshinzaya.O, athletes representing Unitel LLC have emerged as the MVP’s of the tournament.

MCS Coca-Cola LLC and Energy Resources LLC have been actively investing in the development of 3×3 basketball in Mongolia. Since 2005, they have collaborated with the Mongolian 3×3 Basketball Association, providing opportunities for teams to prepare and participate in regional, continental, and world competitions. This initiative aims to enable Mongolian teams to ascend to the global stage.

MCS Group publishes its first Sustainability Report

Current global issues such as the pandemic, climate change, and world conflicts clearly show us that business organizations should not only focus on financial metrics but also take charge of solving the issues facing our future generations, by integrating ESG into business operations.

MCS Group recognizes this duty by expanding our previous Corporate Social Responsibility Report into our first Sustainability Report, with the key metrics on our progress in implementing the environmental, social, and governance.

Through our first sustainability report, we aimed to highlight our sustainable operations and production, our approach to engaging with stakeholders, such as our employees, customers, and suppliers, as well as our approaches to social well-being, volunteering, partnership, and socially responsible activities.

One of the main highlights of the works included in the report was the assessment of the greenhouse gas inventory conducted at some MCS Group subsidiaries, with the further goal of contributing to Mongolia’s goal of mitigating the greenhouse gas emissions of 22.7 by 2030.

We have also conducted an external energy audit per “The Energy Conservation Law of Mongolia”, and in compliance with its requirements on energy management standards. Through the implementation of energy-efficient technologies, we achieved a certain conservation of energy in 2021. Furthermore, we aim to reduce fuel consumption by effectively tracking the distribution routes using a smart GPS and switching towards Euro-5 diesel engines.

By forging a partnership with one of the forefronts of private investment funds in the world, our joint ventures with Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. is a stepping stone to our goal of becoming a publicly traded company in international and domestic markets. In light of this opportunity, we are committed to aligning our future capital expenditure and business model with social responsibility and sustainable development.

Read more on MCS Group – Sustainability Report 2021.

Монгол хувилбарыг энд дарж уншина уу.

MCS Group is to organize the National HR convention of Mongolia for the first time

National annual conference of HR professionals in Mongolia, organized since 2012, is to be held on the 14th of October at the Corporate Hotel and Convention Center.

MCS Group is organizing the “HR Day 2022” in collaboration with the Mongolian Human Resource Institute, marking the occasion, in which the private corporation organizing event for the first time ever.

This year’s event, held under the topic of “Problem, Solution, Trends”, is attended by national and international institutes, heads of universities, executives of national companies and organizations, and human resource specialists to identify the common problems of the human resource sector, and to discuss the best experiences, while identifying the future trends of the sector. You can also attend engaging discussions on labor shortage, stable employment, digital transformation of organization, environmental, social, and corporate governance.

Topic at the convention include the current trends of human resources, and problems, with the speakers of, including the executives of Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, PWC, Xacbank, HR Management Lab, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, TESO Group, Unitel Group, MCS Coca-Cola LLC, Ashid Capital NBFI LLC, COREX digital exchange, Digitalworks, Ajly, Arig International and many others.

Main organizer: MCS Group